Avocado: Sharing is Caring

Avocados have a long history of cultivation: Avocados have been cultivated for thousands of years, with evidence of their consumption dating back to at least 5,000 BCE in Central and South America. The ancient Aztecs and Mayans considered avocados to be a valuable and sacred fruit.

Avocados were known as "butter fruit. In the 17th century, English sailors called them "butter fruit" due to their creamy texture.

Avocados were introduced to Europe by Spanish explorers. Spanish conquistadors encountered avocados during their exploration of the Americas. They brought avocados back to Europe, where they gained popularity among the elite. The first avocado tree in Europe was planted in Spain in the early 16th century.

Avocados were initially grown in California as ornamental plants. Avocado trees were first introduced to California in the late 1800s as ornamental plants. It wasn't until the early 20th century that commercial avocado production began in the state. Today, California is one of the largest producers of avocados in the United States.

The Hass avocado revolutionized the avocado industry. In the 1920s, a California mailman named Rudolph Hass discovered a unique avocado tree in his backyard. The tree produced avocados with a thick, pebbly skin and a creamy texture. This variety, known as the Hass avocado, became immensely popular and is now the most widely cultivated avocado worldwide.

These historic facts highlight the rich cultural and culinary significance of avocados throughout history. From their ancient origins to their global cultivation, avocados have a fascinating historical background.