Believe it or not!

• There are around 150 species of guava that can be found in tropical and sub-tropical areas around the world.
• Although related species can also be called guavas, they belong to other species or genera, such as the “pineapple guava” Acca sellowiana.
• The wood of a guava tree is used for smoking meat.
• Guava takes quite a long time to grow. Guava trees on average can take between 2 to 8 years to develop fully. While the age of the plant can reach 40 years.
• Guavas have 5 times the amount of Vitamin C and 70 times the amount of fiber that an orange has.


  1. Guavas are rich source of active antioxidants like Vitamin C, lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein and Cryptoxanthin. These combinations provide guava an anti-aging property.

  2. Studies have shown that fiber-rich guava consumption can reduce the absorption of sugar in the body. Guava contains a good amount of dietary fiber that is known to reduce the chances of Type II diabetes significantly.

  3. 100 grams of pink guava pulp gives around 5204 µg of lycopene which helps in protecting skin from damage caused by UV rays and helps in protecting you from prostate cancer.

  4. It contains high amount of folic acid (vitamin B9) whose intake is compulsory for pregnant women as it aids in the development of fetal nervous system and protects the baby from any disorders related to nervous system.

  5. The presence of magnesium in the fruit makes this one a good stress buster and boosts our energy. So, the next time you are tired, just go for guava.