Chili Growing Tips

As the popularity of the use of chili surplus the national borders, its demand is huge. One intending to go for chili cultivation will for sure get the benefits of the supply and demand chain. It is a profitable business for sure. Chili growing can be very intimidating, especially for beginners. Here are some general tips which might help a beginner to enhance their cultivation.

Selection of the Variety
There are almost 400 varieties of chili to grow. While selecting the varieties, the Scoville scale, market demand, regional popularity, and targeted categories of buyers are some of the facts which might be considered. Apache, Fuego, Hot Thai etc. are some of the famous ones.

Time of Sowing
As chilies take a bit longer period to grow, February to April would be a great choice while expecting the harvest by July.

Spot and Soil for Growing
Chili pepper loves sunlight. A good exposure to sun, and well-ventilated, humid conditions is favorable. Well-drained and constantly moist soil facilitates the growth.

Spacing and Irrigation
The chili plants are set 18 to 36 inches apart with about 2 to 3 feet between rows. The plants eventually grow up to 3 feet high. Growing pepper plants should be kept moist constantly but not overwatered. Complete drying of soil might impact the growth.