Cow: Believe it or Not

Chocolates, cheese, cakes, cream, custard, yogurt, butter, ice cream and the list goes on. Did you notice? Every product is made up of a common ingredient which is ‘Milk’. These all are dairy products and a bulk amount of milk comes from the cow. Regardless of saying that indeed cow is a wonderful domestic animal. Not only the milk we get from these Herbivores but also the meat used for nutrition and skin used in the leather industry. Besides this bovine helps in the transportation of goods also. However, just the benefits we get from a cow are not the only part to be acknowledged also the facts which are not commonly known might amaze us.
• Cows express their emotions by using their eye.
• Cows are colorblind, yes they can’t see red
• It can look around 360 degrees and needs to barely move its head to look aside.
• In the list of the most social animals, cows stand at the top. They don’t like to be alone.
• Cows utilize 40% of their time chewing cud.
• 250 to 500 liters per day of greenhouse gas is obtained from cows.