Spinach: Believe It or Not!

We know cucumbers are almost entirely water – but did you know spinach is also mostly water? Raw spinach is 91% water, which is just 5% less than cucumbers! Here are some more amazing facts about spinach:

• In the medieval days, artists used to extract green pigment from spinach to use as ink or paint.
• Unlike most veggies, cooking spinach intensifies the health benefits. Half a cup of cooked spinach will grant you threefold the nutrition as one cup of raw spinach.
• There’s a fairly small window in which you can eat your fresh spinach. After the 8th day of being picked, spinach loses half of its major nutrients when it’s refrigerated.
• Even though they look nothing alike, spinach is a relative of beets!
• Another reason spinach is great to eat while you’re watching your weight – there are only 23 calories in 100 grams of spinach!
• Believe it or not, there is more potassium in spinach than there is in bananas. Potassium helps with digestion and muscular functions.