Taro: Believe It or Not!

Taro root is sometimes referred to as ‘the potato of the humid tropics’. Here are some amazing facts about Taro:

• Taro root boasts a superior nutritional profile compared to rice and potatoes, containing significant amounts of iron, calcium, potassium, copper, manganese, and dietary fiber. Notably, it's rich in vitamin C, providing valuable immune system support and antioxidant benefits.
• Despite its nutritional value, caution is necessary as all edible parts of the taro plant are toxic if consumed raw due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals.
• Taro cultivation played a pivotal role in sustaining the self-sufficiency of the Hawaiian Islands for centuries.
• Remarkably, over 10% of the global population relies on some form of taro as a dietary staple.
• Taro is commonly cultivated in flooded fields or marshy environments, where its roots oxygenate the soil, benefiting neighboring plants. Furthermore, its extensive root systems aid in soil erosion prevention.