Vaccination for Avian Influenza

Avian Influenza is a serious threat to the poultry industry of Bangladesh. The country’s poultry industry has been suffering from two of its sub-type H5N1 (high pathogenic) and H9N2 (low pathogenic). In Bangladesh, highly pathogenic H5N1 virus was first detected on 15 March 2007. ACI Animal health for the first time introduced Vectormune HVT AIV the H5N1 for the influenza (bird flu vaccination) in Bangladesh in 2012 which helped the poultry sector recover from the disaster caused by the virus. Recently, industry is also anxious about the sub-type H9N2 which is described as the silent killer for the poultry sector. According to the Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, because of sub-type H9N2, layer and breeder egg production is reduced by 29% with a production cost increase of 59%. Moreover, poor environmental conditions adversely influence the severity of the infection and increase the mortality which results in great annual economic loss of BDT 300 Million. ACI Animal health is jointly working with CEVA, one of the most innovative poultry vaccine manufacturing companies in the world, to introduce the vaccination for the sub-type H9N2 virus. ACI, in collaboration with Bangladesh Poultry Industry’s Central Council (BPICC), has recently organized a seminar with participation of researchers, professors and high officials from the government and private sectors. The Cevac FLU H9 K vaccination reduces shedding of the challenge virus which significantly reduces the replication of the virus resulting in full control of the adverse effect of the virus. High antigenic concentration of this vaccine provides specific immunity to H9N2 and is safe to use for broiler, layer and breeder.

Dr. F H Ansarey

Managing Director & CEO

ACI Agribusiness