March 2023

A 18-post collection

Full Reference Genome of Tilapia Offers Boost to Global Food Security

A collaborative effort that includes the Earlham Institute, the Roslin Institute, and WorldFish has produced the first full, high-quality reference genome for a genetically improved tilapia. This fundamental resource will benefit fish breeders looking to develop strains that grow bigger, grow quickly, and have improved resilience to the environmental challenges »

Earlier Take-Off Could Lead to Fewer Bumblebees and Less Pollination

With the arrival of spring, bumblebee queens take their first wing beat of the season and set out to find new nesting sites. But they are flying earlier in the year, as a result of a warmer climate and a changing agricultural landscape, according to new research from Lund University »

Scientists Unlock Key to Drought-Resistant Wheat Plants with Longer Roots

An international team of scientists found that the right number of copies of a specific group of genes can stimulate longer root growth, enabling wheat plants to pull water from deeper supplies. The resulting plants have more biomass and produce higher grain yield, according to a paper published in the »

Study Forecasts Tile Drainage and Crop Rotation Changes for Nitrogen Loss

Midwestern agriculture contributes the vast majority of nitrogen in the Gulf of Mexico, causing an oxygen-starved hypoxic zone and challenging coastal economies. State and federal policies have tried for decades to provide solutions and incentives, but the hypoxic zone keeps coming back. A recent study from the University of Illinois »

Egg: Believe It or Not!

Here goes a mysterious question, “which one came into the world first? Chicken or egg?” Some will claim chicken, some egg. While people are still solving the mystery let us have a quick check on how far the interest in the egg can go. Not only our partner of three »

Egg- Tips

In this world of farming poultry, farming is one of the most beneficial and always will be in the most demand list of the marketplace. It’s always better to not rush into any new journey. Same wise while going for the start of poultry farming, studying some cases, planning »

Egg Sharing is Caring

Cuisine around the world has a common magical ingredient in the list. That is the egg. Why not call it a magical one? How many food items and dishes can be prepared with just one ingredient? Starting from the handmade dough of Italian bakers up to the handmade egg omelet »