Turnips have been cultivated for over 4,000 years and were a staple food in ancient Greece and Rome, showcasing their enduring popularity throughout history.

Turnips have cultural significance in various traditions and folklore, often symbolizing resilience, nourishment, and even as a subject of superstitions, highlighting their symbolic importance in different cultures.

Turnips played a crucial role in human diets during times of food scarcity and were a staple crop in many regions, providing sustenance during lean periods, underscoring their historical importance as a reliable food source. Turnips are featured in traditional dishes around the world, from turnip cakes in Chinese cuisine to neeps and tatties in Scottish cooking, showcasing their versatility in culinary traditions. But in ancient Egypt and Greece, it was treated without due respect, considering it to be food for slaves. For example, the builders who built the Egyptian pyramids were fed with turnips.

Every year on the second Saturday of November, the Swiss city of Richterschwil is host to the Turnip Festival. This tradition started about a hundred years ago. the streets and houses of the city are decorated with thousands of lanterns made of turnip. The visitors of the event are offered a large selection of dishes. This is the largest turnip festival in the world. During the festival, it is harvested about 25 tons.