May 2019

A 17-post collection

To Protect Stem Cells, Plants Have Diverse Genetic Backup Plans

Photo Credit: Lippman Lab/CSHL, 2019When the maintenance of stem cells is disrupted, the consequences are often very visual. In the case of this tomato plant, the cells driving flower growth have over-proliferated, creating a disorganized mass of petals.Despite evolution driving a wide variety of differences, many plants function »

Sustainable Way to Increase Seed Oil Yield in Crops

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) scientists have developed a sustainable way to demonstrate a new genetic modification that can increase the yield of natural oil in seeds by up to 15 per cent in laboratory conditions. The new method can be applied to crops such as canola, soybean and »

The Search for New Sources of Salt Tolerance in Carrots

Scientists from the University of Wisconsin assessed the diverse carrot germplasm's response to salinity stress and identified the salt-tolerant carrot germplasm that may be used by breeders. They also defined the appropriate screening criteria for assessing salt tolerance in germinating carrot seed. Their research is published in HortScience. Lead scientists »

Could Computer Games Help Farmers Adapt to Climate Change?

An interface of the Maladaptation game Photo Credit: Therese Asplund, Research GateWeb-based gaming, such as simulation games, can promote innovative communication strategies that engage farmers with scientific research and help them adapt to climate change. Methods employed to tackle climate change, such as, for example, improving drainage systems to cope »

Sharing is caring!

You will be amazed to know different use of papaya and different parts of its tree. Young papaya leaves can be used for fresh salads or they can be boiled and prepared like spinach. Black seeds of papaya have sharp, peppery taste. They are used as a substitute for black »

Believe it or not!

• The papaya is a tropical fruit tree. It is also known by the names Pawpaw and Papaw. • We usually refer to the papaya plant as a tree. However, the reality is that the ‘tree’ is actually a gigantic herb. • Papayas are perennial plants. In the wild, they can live up »