Yardlong beans are native to Southeast Asia, particularly in countries like China, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Over time, yardlong beans spread beyond Asia to other parts of the world, including Africa, the Caribbean, and the Americas, through trade, exploration, and migration. On the other hand, some experts argue that it originated from Africa. However, they became integrated into local cuisines and agricultural systems, adapting to diverse climates and cultural preferences while retaining their nutritional value and culinary appeal. Today, yardlong beans are cultivated and enjoyed in various regions around the world, reflecting their enduring legacy and global significance in human history.

Yardlong beans exhibit an astonishing level of genetic diversity, with numerous varieties differing in color, length, texture, and flavor. Some varieties even have unique characteristics such as striped pods or bi-colored seeds, highlighting the incredible range of adaptations within this species.

Yardlong beans are vining plants that grow best when provided with support such as trellises, stakes, or poles. Their climbing habit allows them to take advantage of vertical space in the garden, making them an excellent choice for small or urban gardens.